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Eco-tour the forest you helped build

Make a permanent climate impact

Every dollar you invest creates permanent, measurable, scientific impact. You can see how much carbon will be removed, trees planted, and cotton- top tamarins protected. But that's not all, you wil also become part of this new, tropical forest and global climate community.

Risto Siilasmaa

Founder, F-Secure Corporation
ex-chairman, Nokia

We all need to do what we can, to fight climate warming. This is a great example of something I can do that is measurable, meaningful and personal. It’s also something that gives me great joy!

Mike Santullo

⁠Cofounder, Cleantech Open

What a wonderful opportunity to play a role in the preservation of tropical forests. Thank you ReWorld!

Elizabeth Vargas

Host of America's Most Wanted

So excited to 'own' an acre of tropical forest! What a beautiful way to help preserve our planet. Thanks ReWorld!

Visit your tropical forest

You can come to Colombia and visit the forest you help build, manage and protect. Experience it for a few days with your friends and family.

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Name your family forest

You can name your ‘personal forest’ in honor of yourself, family, friends or loved ones. This name will be visible in public search engines, public maps and on Proyecto Titi’s website (note: names may be kept anonymous, upon request).

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Get a professionally designed map

You will receive a beautiful, professionally designed map displaying your personal acres within the forest, and the climate impact metrics you made possible.

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Adopt a cotton-top tamarin

For higher donation levels, we will name a cotton-top tamarin monkey after someone in your family! Proyecto Titi safely tags certain cotton-tops for conservation science, and can name a Tamarin after someone you love.

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Receive forest updates

You'll get periodic updates of the growth and development of this new tropical forest. You will be able to see how your personal acres are doing, what species are being planted, growth rates, native species present, etc.. You'll also receive exclusive content of the cotton-tops that found a home within your personal forest!

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Be part of a new climate community

Your donation also makes you part of the Proyecto Titi/ReWorld climate community. PT will host events both in person (Colombia, USA) and virtually, giving you the chance to meet the conservationists at PT and meet your tropical forest neighbors. Become part of a new, close-knit and personal climate community.

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Get a tax deduction

Proyecto Titi is a US and Colombia registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which means your donation receives a charitable gift tax deduction. We also pledge that 100% of your donation goes directly to Proyecto Titi to support their conservation work.

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