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100% of your donation goes to the protection of the forest.

Make a permanent climate impact

ReWorld and Proyecto Tití invite you to become part of the world’s first community-funded new tropical forest and biodiversity preserve in northern Colombia. 

Climate impact:  The impact of this project is to add 800,000 new, native trees, remove 5M metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, create a new biodiversity region, help ensure the survival of the critically endangered Cotton-top Tamarin monkey and provide over 100 new jobs for local communities.  More details here.

We invite you to choose your “company acres” and own a part of this future Colombian biodiversity preserve.  In exchange, we guarantee 100% of your sponsorship will go to Proyecto Titi plus these benefits:

Right to buy the best quality carbon credits

PT's carbon credits will be level 4 carbon credits, the 'highest quality' credits for nature-based carbon removal as they include - reforestation, no impact to existing, indigenous communities, removal of carbon, protection of endangered species, sustainable income for local communities and the creation of a rich biodiversity region.

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Name "your" tropical forest

Your company will be given the right to select your acres of land in this (future) tropical forest.  You may name your forest and these names will be visible in public search engines and public maps (note: if requested, names will be kept anonymous).

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Visit our Eco-lodges with your team

Sponsors receive a one-time right to visit Proyecto Titi’s (future) eco-lodges, in the heart of its wildlife preserve, including a Private Wildlife experience. This can be a great, innovative idea for a corporate retreat or to reward high-performing employees!

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Get a tax deduction

Proyecto Titi is a US and Colombia registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which means your donation receives a charitable gift tax deduction. We also pledge that 100% of your donation goes directly to Proyecto Titi to support their conservation work. 

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